Safety Plan (en español) for Immigrant Families in Illinois
A critical concern is keeping families together. We urge immigrant families to have a written Safety Plan (en español) in place for their children, which includes completing a Temporary Guardianship Form (en español*). The Safety Plan Guide (en español) can assist immigrant families with writing down everything from medical information to emergency contacts.
*Please note the Temporary Guardianship Form has to be completed in English to be valid. Tenga en cuenta que el Formulario de tutela temporal debe completarse en inglés para que sea válido.
About the Illinois Temporary Guardianship Form (en español)
- The Illinois-specific Temporary Guardianship Form (en español) designates who will care for children under the age of 18, if their parent(s) is/are unable to do so due to detention or removal.
- It is straightforward and does not require a lawyer to complete.
- Signatures needed are from one parent, 2 witnesses and the designated guardian.
- Families should ensure the completed form is:
- Filed with the child’s school.
- Given to the designated guardian.
- Stored securely with other important family documents.