Patrick Keenan-Devlin hosts talk-back at Northlight Theater’s Butler

On Wednesday, March 16th, Patrick Keenan-Devlin hosted a talk-back facilitated by Northlight’s Lauren Shouse. Mr. Keenan Devlin discussed the poignancy of Sheppard Mallory’s plea to Major General Butler, “You are my last hope.” The discussion also addressed the modern day relevance of slavery and how the history of slavery in our country still impacts equality in American society. Friends of the Moran Center save $10 on tickets to any performance of Butler during the month of March. Use promo code: MALLORY when you check out.

THE PLAY: Early in the Civil War, three escaped slaves arrive at a Union fort to seek sanctuary from Major General Butler. Despite the conflict between the states, law requires that the slaves be returned to their rightful owner. Seeking a solution that satisfies both ethics and duty, Butler embarks on a battle of words and wits, calling into question what is legal versus what is right in a captivating story based on actual events.