Moran Center stands with D65 and Supt. Horton

The James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy strongly supports Evanston/Skokie School District 65’s ongoing efforts to improve “educational outcomes for all children by eliminating racial predictability and inequalities in achievement.”

Specifically, the Moran Center supports the teaching of critical race theory in District 65 and in classrooms across the nation. While we understand this curriculum is not the “end all be all” in dismantling harmful narratives aimed at oppressed groups, this curriculum cultivates inclusivity – fosters unity in diversity – and encourages self-awareness in the brilliant minds of young people, many of whom are already tirelessly working to upend systems of oppression. A curriculum that fosters critical thinking and reflective conversations is fundamental to education and essential in moving towards justice through understanding.


We are thereby disturbed that an advocacy group based in Georgia, which promotes a far-right political agenda filed a lawsuit to interfere in District 65’s anti-racist efforts.  The Moran Center supports the “Racial and Educational Equity Statement” adopted by the District 65 School Board, and Superintendent Horton’s recent statement that he will continue to “advance the important work of building equity in our schools”, despite the distraction of this lawsuit.

Throughout the last year, our nation has faced a great collective trauma, exacerbated by deeply rooted structural racism. Outraged, many youths have become transformative community leaders and change agents demanding greater equity within our schools. The impact that young people have had in our community and nation underscores the importance of race-based dialogue taking place in our schools. The Moran Center applauds the efforts of all educators who are committed to bettering students through their own personal development and who encourage students to grow in the classroom by promoting reflection of identity, bias, and privilege, as well as empower students to act against hate in every form.

We encourage you to also read our restorative partner’s, Pastor Michael Nabor’s, powerful statement regarding the lawsuit filed against District 65.