The Moran Center has a multi-pronged plan for building a restorative community that weaves together a tightly knit system of programs, services, policies, and practices based upon the values and principles of restorative justice. This work starts with the Roger Pascal Restorative Justice Initiative. Learn more.
What is Restorative Justice and why does it matter?
Restorative Justice (RJ) is a philosophy that is based on a set of principles that guide the response to conflict and harm; it is a critical part of building a Restorative Community. RJ reflects the reality that acts of wrongdoing do not just violate laws and rules – they harm people, communities, and relationships.
By providing a mechanism to identify and repair such harm, Restorative Justice builds relationships and empowers the community to take responsibility for the well-being of its members by using a wide range of facilitated, restorative conversations including peace circles, harm repair conferences, re-entry support circles, family conferences, incident-response circles, and community circles.
Video: A Conversation with Restorative Judges who are Reshaping Justice
On November 22, 2022 the Moran Center hosted this virtual panel discussion.
The panel featured four amazing Chicago-area judges – Judge Sophia H. Hall, Judge Martha A Mills (Retired), Judge Sheila M. Murphy (Retired), and Judge Patricia S. Pratt. Click here for biographies of the featured panelists.
The panel was moderated by the Moran Center’s Restorative Justice Manager Pamela Cytrynbaum and Community Engagement Specialist Raymond Lackey. In the panel discussion, the Judges described how they work and have worked with their communities to embed restorative philosophy and practice into their court practices, and shared their perspectives about the transformative power of restorative justice.
Building a Restorative Community
Click the arrows on the slideshow below to learn about some of our key accomplishments:
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Circle Up: Building a Restorative Community
This initiative of the Moran Center offered restorative practices training to BIPOC emerging adults and elders in Evanston, thanks to the support of the “Healing Illinois” grant from The Chicago Community Trust/Illinois Department of Human Services.
The Circle Up: Building a Restorative Community project successfully positioned BIPOC emerging adults and elders to lead restorative circles, fostering the ideals of a radically welcoming, reparative, and anti-racist community. The Moran Center trained and held restorative spaces for a total of 108 community members, hosting 27 separate restorative events.
This effort also included our collaborative effort with Youth Job Center, Curt’s Cafe, and the City of Evanston’s Youth & Young Adult Division: CEO: Plugged In Program. This pilot program compensated disinvested emerging adults for participating in twice-weekly circle training as part of an innovative, collaborative workforce training program.
Click the arrows on the slideshow below to learn about some additional programs that were inspired by the Circle Up project:
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