All of the Moran Center’s services are free to qualifying individuals.
Our Criminal Record Relief Practice serves any individual with a Cook County criminal record.
For most other programs, eligible participants are:
- 26 or younger (or a caregiver of a school-aged child)
- living at or below 80% of poverty as determined by HUD
- residing within Evanston Township or attending school in Evanston.
Please refer to our individual programs to determine specific eligibility requirements.
Our online application is available 24/7.
*The link above will redirect you to Illinois Legal Aid Online, the legal aid volunteer agency that hosts the Moran Center’s online intake system.
Individuals needing legal representation and advice, or who have general questions about our services can call the Moran Center’s main line at 847-492-1410.
Please do not email our attorneys directly. Email, contact@moran-center.org.